Friday, 9 December 2011

The best way to stretch hamstrings

Hamstring stretch with one leg on chair 
This looks at at how to stretch the hamstrings in standing putting one leg up on the chair. To do it well there is a lot more to it than most people think. It is important to localize all the different movement components and avoid the "cheating" movements. 

Video for right hamstring stretch

1) The first thing is to be upright, balanced and relaxed before lifting the left leg onto chair.
 Common faults 
- Leaning back in order to get the leg up.
- Tensing shoulders
2) In standing, with right leg on chair, focus where the left pelvis / hip area is. With out moving anything else, keeping shoulders relaxed, move the left hip area forward (toward chair). You may feel the hamstrings tightening at this point. The left hip area comes as far forward as to be level with the other side don,t go further.
 Common faults 
- Just bending forward at the waist in attempt to get a stretch. This cheating movement results in more of a adductor (inside leg ) stretch. By focusing the the left hip area moving forward the stretch is localized to the hamstrings and more important the outside hamstring - biceps femoris. This muscle is usually the tightest in the group, therefore the "cheating" avoids the stretch on this muscle and renders the stretch pointless.
3) This part is often not necessary. It is the bending forward part. Usually bringing the left hip area forward will be enough to create a stretch. However, if it doesn,t (the hamstrings already have good length) one may need to bend forward to get the stretch. This movement must come from the hips (groin area) not the back (waist) 
  Common faults
 - The most frequent problem seen is people starting the whole process by bending forward. The second is they do it from the waist rather than the hips. One of the reasons for tight hamstrings in the first place is initiating movement from the trunk rather than hips. See blog hip movement and back pain.
4) Pull the right foot up and down
  This is a very specific stretch to the hamstring muscle group which gives equal stretch to all of them, including biceps femoris. It is also useful in people with ITB band ( ilio tibial band ) syndome. This is because generally if one muscle is tight on the outside of the leg, others are as well. If tensor fascia lata and ITB are tight and biceps femoris (outside hamstring ) usually is as well. A person who has this type of imbalance is much more likely to do the "cheating" movements - as described above, as it will be easier for them. 
  By doing this stretch correctly an additional benefit is a stretch on the left hip flexors (standing leg). It one has a tight hamstring on the right leg for instance there is frequently tight hip flexors on the left. This can sometimes be part of a twisted pelvis (common in back pain ). This stretch can also be helpful with that problem.
Lying on back using band
This hamstring stretch is done lying on the back with a band under the foot to assist the leg up.
Lying down hamstring stretch video

1) Place the band under the foot.
Bending at the elbow (don,t tense shoulders or neck) assist pulling the leg up
2) Pull the leg up just to the point where the back starts to flatten to the floor. This is important as if you go further the next point in the movement chain is reached and it starts to become a back stretch as well. As relatively neutral pelvis is required. However, don,t be to strict, its ok to allow a little movement
3) Variation.
Pull the foot up towards you (increase stretch an sciatic nerve)
Let the leg drop outwards (increases stretch on adductors)
Let the leg move inward (help stretch TFL tensor fascia lata and ITB Ilio tibial band.
Arch the back slightly - back lifts a little off the floor. (anterior tilt of pelvis)
The knee can also be allowed to bend slightly - Takes stress of back of knee.
The opposite leg can be actively stretched out. This give a stretch to the hip flexors on that side.

Common faults
Tensing neck and shoulders when pulling band.
Back going too flat on the floor.

This stretch is one of the safest of hamstring stretches. It is not necessary to try and get a strong stretch with this. In fact this will probably pull the pelvis out of neutral. It provided a gentle stretch with modifications. For people who like to feel a strong stretch a word of warning. More does not mean better. Slow gentle stretching and relaxing into it is usually much more effective in the long run. If a muscle is stretched to strongly it will provoke a stretch reflex and the muscle will tighten against you.

Hamstring stretch using door frame
This hamstring stretch uses the side of a door frame for resting one leg against. It is the strongest of all the stretches I show.
Door frame hamstring stretch video

1) Lying on back place one leg (right here) against door frame and other through door space.
2) Allow the knee to be slightly bent.
3) Check the rest of your body is relaxed, tongue, jaw, neck shoulder. (Note: A very common problem with stretching is that on attempting to stretch one body part people will frequently tense other parts at the same time)
4) Push the right heel into door frame - a third of full strength. Hold for 3 breathes. Relax leg. Then check you really have relaxed it! Allow the foot to slide a little further up the door frame.
5) Repeat several times.
6) Variations. Straighten left leg to floor. This stretches psoas major and tilts the pelvis is little more anterior (back lifts a little off floor) increasing pull on right hamstrings.

I,ve picked these three hamstring stretches as they are the most frequent I give. For an detailed look at a wider variety of hamstring stretches see my website page on hamstrings stretching. For information a tight hamstrings and why they may be tight see my website page tight hamstrings.

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