This blog compliments my website page Causes of round shoulders . Here I use videos to help demonstrate.
What are round shoulders
Round shoulders is a description of a "posture" where the shoulders appear further forward often accompanied by a hunching or bending forward of the upper spine. There are usually two reasons a person does not like having "round" shoulders. One is asthetic ie they don,t like the way it looks, and the other medical, they have been told its bad for the neck or shoulders.
How to "correct" round shoulders?
The main problem here is how we look at the problem. This is one area where common "solutions" only serve to make the situation worse. These frequently involve such things as "pulling the shoulders back"or "sitting up straight". To explain "round shoulders" I have put together some short video as visual demonstration is essential. This subject is related to my article good posture on my website.
This is an overview round shoulders and how the problem comes about. It also looks at frequent mistakes people make in trying to "correct it"
This video starts to look at exercises focusing on separation of shoulder girdle and elbow movement.
This continues with exercises now looking at separating hip and trunk movement.
I think you must have been looking at me as I do all these faults, thanks for the exercises I will replace forcing the shoulders back with these.